The FLA Board of Directors voted in October 2019 to accredit the social compliance program of Maxport Limited, an apparel group established in 1991 with headquarters and facilities in northern Vietnam.
Accreditation by the FLA recognizes that Maxport has systems in place to identify and remediate unfair labor practices in its global supply chain. Among the findings in the report:
- All personnel receive orientation and annual refresher training on new policies and codes. Compliance Team reviews and analyzes post-training data from quizzes and/or surveys; 
- Workers have access to various grievance channels including a confidential hotline number. Grievances are tracked, and non-retaliation is assured during all audit worker interviews; 
- 85 percent of SCI and SCIV violations are remediated and all CAPs for internal and external audits have root cause analysis and sustainable improvement CAPs; 
- Established the Responsible Planning and Purchasing Policy and Production Planning and Balancing Procedure for all facilities; enforced by all relevant departments from headquarters to production sites; and 
- Established strategic plan for CSO outreach and engagement based on FLA guidance; uses its engagement with stakeholders to improve conditions for workers.