
Harvesting the Future – Cotton in India

Issues Child Labor Health Safety & Environment Responsible Recruitment

Transforming working conditions in the cotton sector through an area-based approach

The Harvesting the Future (HTF) – Cotton in India initiative, led by the Fair Labor Association (FLA), brings together 24 global apparel companies, two Indian garment and textile producers, and several local implementing partners to improve conditions for cotton producers, harvesters, and their families in over 30 villages in Madhya Pradesh, one of India’s largest cotton-producing states.

Between 2024 and 2027, the project will take an area-based approach to improve working and living conditions at the village level while enhancing human rights due diligence (HRDD) for various actors in the cotton value chain.

Harvesting the Future – Cotton in India builds on the six years of learnings that FLA has developed in executing similar programs in Türkiye and Egypt in several agricultural commodities, with three main goals:

  1. Strengthened HRDD: By mapping supply chains, conducting risk assessments, enhancing grievance mechanisms, and promoting responsible procurement, the project helps supply chain actors ensure respect for human rights in their upstream supply chain.
  2. Improved working and living conditions: Through awareness-building at the village level, field-level interventions, child protection efforts, responsible recruitment practices, and health and safety initiatives, the project seeks to improve the lives of cotton producers, workers, and their families.
  3. Stakeholder engagement: By establishing robust efforts to engage with local stakeholders, local government, industry associations, and civil society organizations, the project will amplify positive changes and lay the foundation for lasting, self-sustaining improvements at the local level.

Harvesting the Future – Cotton in India reflects the commitment of both FLA and the global garment and textiles sector to creating sustainable change by combining on-the-ground interventions with HRDD approaches.

Special thanks to the American Apparel & Footwear Association (AAFA) for their organizational support of this project.

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Learn more about FLA’s flagship Harvesting the Future program: