Harvesting the Future (HTF) Phase II: Access to Remedy is the second phase of FLA’s flagship HTF project, designed to create large-scale change on child protection and responsible recruitment through a multi-commodity, multi-company, and multi-geography approach. After the culmination of HTF’s pilot phase (2019-2020), FLA launched Phase II of the project.
Phase II elevated topics that were identified as priority areas during the risk analysis in Phase I:
Child protection and child labor remediation;
Elimination of hazardous work for workers under age 18;
Access to basic services for seasonal migrant families in agriculture;
Responsible recruitment;
Grievance mechanisms; and
Application of living wage standards.
HTF Phase II focused on remediation, and continued building the capacity of suppliers’ programs with a modular approach. Module content varied to match the maturity levels of suppliers’ internal human rights due diligence and remediation programs, resources, and the commitment levels of the supply chain partners and companies.
Core modules
Module 1: Farm-level monitoring
Module 2: Child labor remediation
Module 3: Access to basic needs and promoting health and safety
Module 4: Responsible recruitment
Advanced modules
Module 5: Grievance mechanisms
Module 6: Application of living wage standards
The project resulted in a number of key successes. FLA delivered dozens of training sessions on module topics, such as worker rights in agriculture. Project partner suppliers monitored more than 1,300 farms. FLA reviewed 15 partner suppliers’ child labor policies and procedures based on international standards and provided feedback to improve them. To learn more about project results, review the Harvesting the Future Phase II: Access to Remedy report.
HTF Phase III, launched May 2024, centers on scaling up activities and ensuring consistency, coordination, and collaboration with stakeholders to use resources more effectively. New project partners and commodities are accepted on a rolling basis.