

According to adidas, sustainable business is about striking the balance between shareholder expectations and the needs and concerns of employees, workers in the supply chain, and the environment. adidas truly believes that acting as a responsible business – one that is fully committed to respecting human rights – will contribute to lasting economic success. Learn more about adidas’ human rights policy and work in fair compensation.

All adidas suppliers doing final production for apparel, accessories and gear, and footwear are under FLA coverage. A complete listing of those suppliers can be found on adidas’ website.

Members of the adidas team have served on the FLA Board of Directors and the FLA Manufacturing Committee.

Joined FLA: 1999

Fair Labor Accredited: 2005

Collaboration is the cornerstone of progress in our industry, which helps companies tackle industry-wide problems and identify sustainable solutions together. FLA enables companies to work together—along with civil society organizations, labor groups, universities and other key stakeholders—to help all parties implement human rights and fair labor practices to make a positive impact on the lives of workers globally. Additionally, FLA’s independent accreditation and oversight to our supply chain monitoring program helps us execute a credible and leadership program.
Selcuk Buyukozer, Vice President, Social & Environmental Affairs