Karissa Guaman

Data Associate

United States

Karissa Guaman is FLA’s Data Associate. In her role, she supports the organization’s mission to uphold workers’ rights and improve labor practices globally through data-driven insights and tools. Guaman’s responsibilities include managing and analyzing critical data sets, assisting brands with data submissions, and addressing technical challenges to ensure the accuracy and reliability of reporting systems.

Prior to joining FLA in 2024, Guaman graduated from the University of Connecticut. During the summer of 2023, she interned at Social Accountability International (SAI) and the Anker Research Institute (ARI). There, she contributed to research and program coordination efforts, further honing her skills in data analysis and project management. Guaman brings a thoughtful and detail-oriented approach to her work, leveraging her academic and professional experiences to contribute to FLA’s mission of improving working conditions worldwide.

Guaman is based in Connecticut. She is fluent in English and Spanish, which enables her to contribute to multilingual initiatives and broaden the reach of the organization’s tools and resources.