Mohammad Alias Hassany

Training Manager

United States

Mohammad Hassany is the Training Manager at FLA. In this role, he manages FLA’s Learning Management System (LMS), develops training materials, and conducts instructor-led training (ILT) sessions. He also collaborates with other FLA departments to create and enhance online courses on the LMS.

Hassany joined FLA in early 2025 and is based in California. Prior to joining the FLA, he worked with multiple international development organizations, including the International Development Law Organization (IDLO), where he successfully launched and managed an eLearning platform, developed training content, and increased user engagement. He also held key roles at Chemonics International, the Swedish Committee for Afghanistan, and Counterpart International, where he managed, and implemented capacity building training programs to strengthen civil society organizations (CSOs) and enhance their advocacy capabilities and empower marginalized communities.

Hassany is a dedicated human rights advocate. He has led advocacy efforts across various thematic areas including women’s rights, gender equality, girls access to education, aid effectiveness, community peace building and government transparency and accountability.

Hassany speaks multiple languages, including Farsi/Persian, Pashto, Urdu/Hindi, and English. He holds an MBA from American University of Afghanistan (AUAF). Additionally, he is a certified Project Management Professional (PMP).