Supply chain mapping, transparency and traceability 1.0: A practical guide for companies and suppliers
The adoption of the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGPs) have created expectations that businesses will continue to ensure responsible conduct throughout their supply chains.
While risk management activities have historically focused on the supply chain aspects under companies’ direct control (where the most leverage existed), the UNGPs recommend companies prioritize areas with the greatest potential for harm. For many companies, following these guidelines requires increased attention to possible human rights violations in upstream tiers of their supply chains — beyond their final manufacturing facilities.
FLA’s goal is to provide information and practical first steps for companies and suppliers to start mapping their supply chains effectively and efficiently. It can be used by any company, manufacturer, or supplier that is part of a supply chain. All businesses, whether dealing with raw materials or manufactured goods, face myriad questions in connection with supply chain mapping. This guide will answer some of those questions.
Please note: The tools referenced in this guidance document are available exclusively to FLA members. Learn more about how your organization can join FLA and make a difference in the lives of millions of workers worldwide.