About the school’s commitment to protecting workers’ rights and the FLA Workplace Code of Conduct:
Carnegie Mellon University is committed to conducting its business affairs in a socially responsible manner consistent with its Strategic Plan. The plan recognizes that the University’s responsibilities extend beyond the confines of the campus: “Through our education, research and creative expression, the university relates to an unusual extent to the world beyond our campus. Our activities have impact by creating knowledge, improving the quality of life, enhancing culture, and advancing economic and environmental sustainability.” Carnegie Mellon thus values the welfare of the diverse people who help to manufacture the products that contain our brand image and trademarks. Carnegie Mellon condemns the use of sweatshop labor in the manufacturing of any product that bears the trademarks of this institution; therefore, Carnegie Mellon has written the following Code of Conduct that establishes minimum standards for its trademark licensees. Carnegie Mellon will select only those licensees who will conduct their business in a manner consistent with this Code of Conduct and who will commit to following its standards.